North Carolina Confederate / Trump  Leopard UNC Board of Governors/ UNC System  complicit with Greensboro Business organizations and UNC Greensboro has not changed their spots. In 1970, the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare notified the University of North Carolina System that it was violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by maintaining a racially dual system of public higher education.

“The Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering….. built on the major nanotechnology research activity been NCA&T”13 "A Promise for the Future By some accounts, nanotechnology is destined to replace much of today's technology. Gateway University Research Park expects to be at the forefront of these new technologies with the creation of a new institution the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)"  [15] The intent of the (JSNN) school is to become a world-class educational and technical institution. [34]
UNC Board of Governors/ UNC System Institutional Racism, and Corruption:  Alleged designation of NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b), NC A&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus, complicity with Greensboro Business organizations, HWI UNC Greensboro, Gateway Research Park, and Southern Commissioner on Collegescannibalizing HBCU NC NCA&T academic programs, land, research and facilities via bogus UNC System Office alleged millennial Campus /aka/ NCAT/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus Gateway Research Park, and alleged Joint School of  Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, depriving NCA&T HBCU Students equal protection of the law. link
"The goal isn't to expand mankind's body of knowledge so much as it is to expand the local economy." [19]
"I think for the next 50 years, A&T and the engineering programs and science programs are going to be an integral part and a driving force in the economic development of the community,'' said Greensboro attorney Jim Phillips Jr., a member of the UNC Board of Governors." [3]
Greensboro City's Greensboro Connections 2025 Comprehensive Plan was adopted May 2003.  A key principle of the Comprehensive Plan is to promote economic development in historically under-served parts of the City such as East Greensboro. Properties in these areas should receive priority consideration as the City designates and promotes land for economic development. The NCA&TSU Farm site is one such candidate.  7D.3 Promote economic development through public/private partnerships to include government, economic development agencies, educational and health care institutions, and businesses. Build on existing partnerships and initiatives in this effort. Examples include:

University-related research and development opportunities with UNCG and NCA&TSU (building on the example of the Nussbaum Center incubator facility)[ One of their primary tasks will be keeping tabs on research at the two universities, in areas such as engineering and sciences, that might have commercial uses. They will look for existing companies that could benefit from that research and explore the potential of using it to create start-up businesses.][1]

Work with NCA&TSU to establish a research park on the A&T farm property, [NCA&T Farmland was  located in Guilford County not Greensboro City


Loud and Clear “Harold, we need North Carolina A&T State University to assume a more prominent role in helping to positioning our region to become more economic competitive. I want to reassure business leaders I heard them the loud and clear” , said NC A&T Chancellor Harold Martin at his 2009 inauguration  Video
 " I am so energized by the potential of this research park, in particular the joint schools of nano technology and nano science. The world is seeing explosive growth today in the commercialization of nanotechnology. We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford County that we need to participate in that explosion, and they will be right here at the Gateway University Research Park." said ("Greensboro Boy" ) Erskine Bowles  President of the University of North Carolina System. [2

"The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will be a unique, interdisciplinary school, located at the South Campus of the Gateway University Research Park, the joint millennial campus of NC A&T and UNCG' ( formerly NC A&T farm property). “It [JSNN] will be one of the most stimulating opportunities in the history of the area and will serve as a national model for collaboration between two institutions, one a historical black institution and the other a historical white female institution.” "JSNN to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree."  “The building would include the academic departments, laboratory facilities (teaching and research), and centers and institutes of the new School as well as selected centers and institutes currently located at the partner universities. [5] Emphasis added  
Erskine Bowles appointee Interim NC A&T Chancellor Lloyd V. Hackley and UNCG Chancellor made the Request to Establish The JSNN March 7, 2006.
 The establishment of the Joint School will be one of the most exciting developments in the history of the Triad and will serve as a national model for collaboration between two institutions, not to mentions a historical black institution and a historical white/female institution. It represents "thinking outside the box".
Fraudulent claiming HBCU NC A&T and HWI UNCG were partners in  Board of Governors designated NCGS: 116-198.34. (8b) NC A&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus.   May 2007 UNC Board of Governors established alleged Joint School of

Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, at de facto NC A&T / UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, UNCG affiliate, Gateway University  Research Park, Inc.; to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree.

The Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will be a unique, interdisciplinary school, located at the South Campus of the Gateway University Research Park, the Joint Millennial campus of the NC A&T and UNCG.

Board of  Governors' document  institutions with millennial campus designations and the UNC System does not indicate an NC A&T/UNCG Joint millennial campus was authorized,  document indicates UNC System millennial campus authorized in 2003.  
Expansion of Millennial Campus - The University of North Carolina System Office  May 25, 2020
 Issue overview indicate G.S. 116-198.34 grants the Board of Governors authority to designate real property as a millennial campus. The University System Office  is requesting an expansion of its millennial campus to include the Spangler Complex...  The UNC System Office previous designated 150 acres as a millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. No provision of GS 116-189.34 grants UNC System Office authority to designate real property as a millennial campus
Notwithstanding NCA&T's 2001 Master Plan update calling for establishing a university Millennial Campus at the farm, credited in the media as the work of UNC-G district NC Senator Kay Hagan, June 30, 2003, the General Assembly, Session Law 2003-294, Section 6.20, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf from the State property Office to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
The term "Millennial Campus" means all real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors as part of a Millennial Campus of a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina .... GS 116-198.34(4b). (2000)
UNC System Office alleged designate millennial campus consisting of Gateway Research Park-North Campus in Brown Summit, NC and Gateway Research Park-South Campus in Greensboro, NC. does not constitute "Millennial Campus" real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4B).  School of the Deaf Property remain allocated to UNC Board of  Governors to establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
The degree authorization process progression calls for a constituent institutions to submit  Request to Establish a New Degree to UNC System General Administration which serves under the President. The General Administration submits constituents request to Planning Committee.  If the Planning Committee approved the Request it is taken to the full Board of Governors for a decision to authorized. 

NC A&T/UNCG submitted Joint Request for authorization to Establish” Ph.D. in Nanoscience” dated Oct. 10, 2008 to UNC General Administration and Joint Request for authorization to establish “Master of Science (in Nanoscience)” dated Nov. 21, 2008  to UNC General Administration.

Historical Black Land Grant NC A&T was listed as University focus on Nanotechnology May 2005.
Crosstown PWI UNC Greensboro was not listed as a University focused on Nanotechnology and Gateway University Research Park did not exist.
Nanotechnology is experimental.
NC A&T was 4th in Nanotechnology Research at North Carolina Universities
with $11 Million Dollars between 2000-2005 and UNC Greensboro was 11th out of 12 with $44,999. In 2003 A&T, NATO Sponsor Material Symposium in Ukraine.
For Liberal Arts UNC Greensboro with doctorial programs in music and nursing to offer Nanoscience degrees  requires access to NC A&T academic programs and research:  “Although the degree is in Nanoscience (does not include Nanoengineering)

students will be given the opportunity to take relevant courses at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and must be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering.
UNC Policy for Interdisciplinary Degree 

An Interdisciplinary Degree program involves two or more academic units, either on the same or different campuses  in a formal agreement to offer a program of study drawing on two or more disciplines that will result in a student being awarded an interdisciplinary degree. If more than one campus is involved in offering the program it would also be a joint degrees.
United States v. Fordice, 505 U.S. 717 (1992) a United States Supreme Court case that resulted in an eight to one ruling that the eight public universities in Mississippi had not sufficiently integrated and that the state must take affirmative action to change this under the Equal Protection Clause and Title VI.    This is not a legal setting but context comparison UNC BOG & SOCS policies in light of the selected text held in UNITED STATES v. FORDICE, GOVERNOR OF MISSISSIPPI :

..If the State perpetuates policies and practices traceable to its prior de jure dual system that continue to have segregative effects ...implicit in the court’s finding of “unnecessary” duplication is the absence of any educational justification ....and such policies are without sound educational justification and can be practicably eliminated, implicated the Equal Protection clause... , emphasis added.

 Clearly unnecessary duplication take place when across-town Liberal Art UNC Greensboro with programs in music and nursing, requiring relevant courses be taken at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and will be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering”,  except for unvarnished racism offering Nanotechnology degrees?

"NC A&T has 12-years of experience in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” 6

Notwithstanding May 2007 UNC Board of Governors established alleged Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, at bogus NC A&T / UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, UNCG affiliate, Gateway University Research Park, Inc. to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree. 
The University of North Carolina Board of Governors authorized PWI UNC Greensboro Nanoscience MS on November 13, 2009 and  PhD program in Nanoscience on January 8, 2010 requiring UNCG students take relevant courses  at the School of Engineering at North Carolina A&T University and be able to work on collaborative projects with faculty in the School of Engineering”.

Excluding (The) North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State university from offering  MS and PhD Nanoscience degrees, forcing the HBCU out of the JSNN Mission to offer (a) joint interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree and (a) joint professional science master's degree. And depriving NC A&T benefit Nanoscience funding.
Ask (at the time) UNC President Erskine Bowles, Dr. Alan Mabe, Dr. Alton Thompson,  Dr. David H. Perrin, Dr. James Ryan and NC A&T Chancellor Harold Martin, where are NC A&T Nanoscience degrees?
Doctor of Philosophy in Nanoscience
The PhD in Nanoscience requires a minimum of 60 hours and is designed to prepare students to take positions in industrial, governmental, or academic research settings by providing a solid background in Nanoscience theory and experimental techniques through course work and dissertation research.
The PhD program will include a core interdisciplinary curriculum that provides a thorough background in the principles and tools required for a research career in nanoscience.
Dr. James Sadler Associate Vice President for Academic Planning University of North Carolina :
December 9, 2009

UNC Graduate Council recommends authorization of the joint PhD

A degree program is a program of study in a discipline specialty that leads to a degree in that distinct specialty area at a particular level of instruction.   As a general rule, in order to be considered for degree program status, a course of study should require at least 27 semester hours in the proposed program area at the undergraduate level; at least half the number of hours required for the degree at the master’s level; at least 21 hours in the proposed program area at the doctoral level.
Doctor of Philosophy in Nanoscience
The PhD in Nanoscience requires a minimum of 60 hours and is designed to prepare students to take positions in industrial, governmental, or academic research settings by providing a solid background in Nanoscience theory and experimental techniques through course work and dissertation research.
Notwithstanding  the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), categorized Nanoscience as CIP 15.1601 Engineering Technologies and Engineering-Related Fields.  UNC General Administration applied  CIP 40.9999 (Physical Science) to UNCG academic offering . Note UNC-G has a School of  Arts and Science.
 Note Fall 2005 UNC Presidency transition from President Molly Broad  to Erskine Bowles.

Erskine Bowles UNC General Administration categorizing Nanoscience Ph.D. as a Physical Science; examining UNC Greensboro curricula for similar Physical Science Ph.D.  programs determined:

UNC Greensboro offer  no  similar Ph.D. programs in 40 CIP category.

With Harold Martin, former Bowles administration official, as Chancellor of  NC A&T,  Erskine Bowles President of UNC system ,and Alan Mabe Vice President of Academic Affairs , complicity with the BOG Planning Committee with triad ties,used the authority to make recommendation to the BOG to award  UNC Greensboro Nanoscience degrees in conjunction with the Joint School of Nanoscience and Engineering excluding NC A&T.

Crony Capitalism Racketeering Cannibalize HBCU NC NC A&T Scripting HWI UNC Greensboro and Gateway Research Park in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering  

"The goal isn't to expand mankind's body of knowledge so much as it is to expand the local economy." [19]
Rewinding to 1991-92, at bequest of UNC Board of Governors NC Legislature enacted NC GA § 116‑252. Piedmont Triad Graduate Engineering Program in support faculty and graduate students involved in engineering at the campuses of The University of North Carolina.  In doing so UNC Board of Governors rejected a $20 Million dollar NCA&T/UNC-G Engineering and Science Research Center.

 Reported in the Media: "but that center [Piedmont Triad Engineering  Research Center] contains no role for  UNCG, which had hoped to get several doctoral level  programs out of a joint engineering and science research center with A&T", emphasis added; "UNCG/A&T proposal had won the enthusiastic  endorsement of top  Greensboro business leaders.  Acting through the Greensboro Development Corp., they last year commissioned a $300,000 study  to determine what areas of research  at UNCG/A&T  center could engage in to the benefit of the Triad economy and its  industries"; and I'm [banker E.S. ``Jim'' Melvin, chairman of the Greensboro Development Corp convinced it  [Research Center] is the thing to do, but we've got to work through the university system, build the case for it and get it high on the board's priority list. That's going to take some time.'' reported Jack Scism  TRIAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CENTER: VIABLE DREAM OR PIE IN THE SKY? , JACK SCISM, Greensboro News & Record - Monday, July 20, 1992 . (emphasis added) [16]
"Its [UNCG] historically strong programs in music, education and nursing are not the kinds of programs that spin off research and development or software companies to fuel high tech economies " "Last year, the development corporation proposed the idea of developing a UNCG/A&T Knowledge and Industry Campus, perhaps in southeast Greensboro...This would be the beginning of our version of N.C. State's Centennial Campus." [Ken Mayer, Editorial, UNCG, A&T University will need to be leaders in the charge for high-tech industry in the Triad, Triad Business Journal Nov 9,1998]  Ken Mayer former Chairman UNCG BOT 2003-2004 & 2004-2005.
Historical black North Carolina A&T, as one of the state's two land grant institutions, has programs through the doctoral level. Its programs include engineering, arts and sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, technology, and graduates studies. “The expected roles of a land-grant institution, is teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services” .
NC Board of Governors 2007-09 budget Priorities bogus claim the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development- renamed  Gateway University Research Park

as NC AT/UNC-G Joint Millennial Campus relocated NCA&T College of EngineeringSchool of TechnologyPhysical Sciences and Applied Sciences programs and research, off –campus to the bogus Joint Millennial (with UNCG).
I am aware this is a joint project of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University and the  University of North Carolina at Greensboro..[26] Received from the State Property Office, Kevin Holland, Contracting Officer GSA July 3, 2006 letter to John Merrill.
Re: U.S. Department of Agriculture, natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Lease Project, Greensboro , NC
This correspondence correspondence to your June 30, 2006 inquiry concerning the status of this project as a firm action that will move forward. As I have advised on   numerous occasions and want to reiterate, this particular project is an endeavor which was approved by the U.S. General Services Administration as a

 sole-source" procurement based upon the unique requirements provided by the NRCS...As such, we have been working and are committed to diligently pursing satisfaction of NRCS need for space to be located on the campus of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University through a negotiated lease procurement.  As I am aware this is a joint project of North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University  and  the University of  North Carolina at Greensboro. Emphasis added

In addition to degree programs in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, JSNN will engage in research and outreach, as well as the expected roles of a land-grant institution, such as teaching agriculture and engineering, and providing cooperative extension services. The JSNN facilities will be located on land that was formerly pat of the NC A&T farm.
Gateway Research Park Taskforce Robert Pompey Video Report
NC A&T State University Board Meetings Material alleged: Public Private Partnership with A&T, UNCG and Gateway Research Park, Inc. since 2003-2004; An approved Joint Millennial Campus by the UNC Board of Governors in 2003; Gateway Research Park, Inc. provides operational oversight and owns the assets.


Board of  Governors' document  institutions with millennial campus designations and the UNC System does not indicate an NC A&T/UNCG Joint millennial campus was authorized,  document indicates UNC System millennial campus authorized in 2003.  

Received pursuant Public Record request to NC A&T for documents supporting Public Private Partnership with Gateway Research Park.  Gateway Research Park is not listed as  NC A&T  Associated Entity, as defined by 600.2.5.2[R], of the UNC BOG Policy Manual. Implicating Gateway University Research Park affiliation to provide operational oversight, administer the educational, research, and economic development mission.

State Construction Laws Were Amended Based on Fraudulent Allegation Gateway Research Park was a Joint Millennial Campus


All Rights Reserved

* BOG Meeting Material Graphic
[2] Ribbon Cutting Sets Gateway Project in Motion, The Aggie Report VOLUME EIGHT - NUMBER TWENTY - MAY 25, 2007 ].
[3]  A&T CHANCELLOR PLANS TO RETIRE: FORT: GOALS COMPLETE, Greensboro News & Record - Friday, May 29, 1998 , BETH MCMURTRIE Staff Writer
6] UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology,
7] UNCG and NC A&T partner to create joint program in nanotechnology, Sharlini Sankaran, October 8, 2007, North Carolina Board of Science and Technology,
[13] Nanobiotechnology Center of Innovation North Carolina Biotechnology Center 20/11/2007
[15] High Research Activity The Scientist
[19] UNIVERSITIES TO SIGN RESEARCH Agreement, Greensboro News &Record - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 , Author: TIM THORNTON Staff Writer
34 David H. Perring and Alton Thompson letter dated November 20, 2008 to Dr. Belle Wheelan SACS
43  PCG/UNC-NCCS/UNC Interim report3. doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.Atpcc.I /CC.14/10May05 page 109